Local Public Finance Law Amended by CALM

On February 12, 2013 CALM representatives had a productive and fruitful meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Finance over the amendment of the Law on Local Public Finance. The major subject was introduction in Republic of Moldova of the Personal Income Tax (PIT) collected and shared at the place of residence instead of actual PIT collected at the employer’s registration address. At the same time CALM is working closely for amending the Law on Local Public Finance with the Parliament Committee on Public Administration and Regional Development. Besides PIT lots of amendments are envisaged the main the main accent being on changes in the transfers system from Central level directly to LPA of level 1 instead of transfers Center - Level 2 (districts) – Level 1 (municipalities) and considerable financial resources were not reaching their final destination.  

For years we talk about these changes and the political will was not there. Now the situation changed both in Government’s mind and will so CALM is acting urgently and decisively in order not to lose the momentum.

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