Visit of the representatives of Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities

During February 7-8, 2013 the representatives of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities visited CALM within the project „Capacity building for local democracy in Moldova” implemented by Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) together with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway aiming at capacities consolidation with local authorities in view of the Moldovan Government Decentralization reform.

The objective of the visit was to review and acknowledge CALM’s consolidation activities and the dialog with the Central Government. The Agenda of the study visit comprised meetings with CALM leadership and members, with Parliament and Government representatives and several visits to Moldovan municipalities.

Within the framework of the visit the major event was the meeting of CALM and KS representatives with IMF representative in Moldova Mr. Tokhir Mirzoev. The Meeting was organized on suggestion of the President of Parliament – Mr.  Marian Lupu. The main target of the meeting being establishing relations with IMF and discussing IMF position/mandate in decentralization, local autonomy and remuneration in LPA,  IMF monitoring of fiscal and financial indicators in Moldova on revenue and on expenditures side. At the end it was agreed on a permanent and continuous dialogue including with future IMF missions in Moldova.

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