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"Cities Developing Solutions" in Istanbul
Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF), organized by the NALAS member, Marmara Municipalities Union took place for the first time in the Istanbul Congress Center on 1-3 October 2019, under the motto of “Cities Developing Solutions”.
05.10.2019      nalas.eu   
Advisory Board & Partners' Meeting of the Center of Excellence in Finance
NALAS participated at the Advisory Board & Partners' Meeting of the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF), in Ljubljana on September 10th and 11th. CEF’s mission as an international organization is to support capacity development for finance officials from ministries and central banks in South-East Europe through learning.
12.09.2019      nalas.eu   
UNDP Moldova selects partner communities and Hometown Associations to contribute to local development
Republic of Moldova creates a new model for migrants’ participation in the economic development of hometown communities26 March 2019 – UNDP Moldova launches a competition of preselection of 35 communities that will be the beneficiaries of the second phase of
Kudos for the NALAS Knowledge Management Team!
The annual NALAS Knowledge Management Meeting took place from 13 to 15 February 2019, in Belgrade, Serbia, bringing together NALAS Knowledge Management Assistants from NALAS member Local Government Associations (LGAs).
15.02.2019      nalas.eu   
2018 NALAS’ Fiscal Decentralisation Report: Local services are exacerbated by the deterioration of local finance arrangements
This is the seventh edition of the Report which is an ongoing effort of NALAS’ Fiscal Decentralisation Task Force to provide policy–makers and analysts with reliable comparative data on municipal finances and up to date information on intergovernmental fiscal relations