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Anders KNAPE elected president of the Congress
Meeting at their 35th session in Strasbourg (France), Congress members have elected Anders KNAPE (Sweden, EPP/CCE) president of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities for a two-year term.“Our Congress is a political body tasked with protecting local democracy. We
07.11.2018      www.coe.int   
EU law-making: European Commission proposes to strengthen role of regions and cities
EC report takes on board Subsidiarity Task Force recommendationsThe European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has welcomed the European Commission's intention to strengthen the involvement of local and regional authorities in the EU's policy-making. The CoR supports the proposals announced
07.11.2018      cor.europa.eu   
CEMR retreat with partners
During the 1st Edition of CEMR’s retreat with its partners held on 26-27 September 2018 in Brussels, NALAS participated with President Darko Fras and Executive Director Kelmend Zajazi in the round table “Brexit/neighbourhood/future enlargement” as part of the overarching topic dedicated
FEATURE The mayor // How Tatiana Badan attempts to arrest the decline of the Moldovan village Selemet.
Selemet is a village in the Republic of Moldova: abandoned, tumbledown, forgotten – like so many. A quarter of the 5,000-strong population lives abroad, while those who remain attempt to arrest the decline – above all Tatiana Badan, the village mayor.
MEPs have made it clear: cities have a crucial role to play in EU policy-making
This is a great victory for local government and their associations. Today, members of the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution on the “Role of cities in the institutional framework of the Union”. It aims to establish a legal basis to allow cities and their representative associations to be formally and systematically involved in EU decision-making.
03.07.2018      www.ccre.org   
CONNECT is looking for municipal expertise for Sri Lanka and Moldova
The CONNECT team is happy to present to you two new opportunities for learning and exchange from colleagues: one in Moldova and one in Sri Lanka.
07.06.2018      platforma-dev.eu   
NALAS Newsletter April 2018: Gender Equality in the focus
In this edition of the Newsletter, you will read about inspiring women and men and the changes they make in their communities. You will also learn about different tools and best practices that might be used in your own context.
23.04.2018      www.nalas.eu   
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must go local and leave no one behind
What are the challenges in bringing 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) closer to community level, how to achieve social inclusion and what is the way forward – all these questions are in the focus of the “Regional conference
20.04.2018      www.nalas.eu   
The 13th NALAS General Assembly discusses important issues for local governments in South-East Europe
Over 70 representatives of local governments and local government associations from the whole South-East Europe (SEE) met in the Brdo Congress Centre on 18 April 2018 for the 13th General Assembly of their umbrella organisation, NALAS.Mr. Mićo Mićić, Mayor of the
20.04.2018      www.nalas.eu   
Call for participants for the e-learning course in “Introduction of Gender Mainstreaming at Local Level”
Interested to learn about the gender issue and its relevance for the individual and the society? How does our gender identity influence opportunities and obstacles in the society regardless if we are aware of it or not? How local governments
25.01.2018      www.nalas.eu