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Cookbook: Taste the Balkans
NALAS is launching a campaign for producing the Cookbook: Taste the Balkans.
14.11.2017      www.indiegogo.com   
Moldova: Council of Europe's Congress examines the Chișinău mayor's suspension
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe examined the report presented on 19 October 2017 by Gunn Marit HELGESEN (Sweden EPP/CCE) concerning the situation of Dorin CHIRTOACA, Mayor of Chișinău and Vice-president of the Congress. Ms HELGESEN had visited Chișinău in August 2017 and met Mr CHIRTOACA, who had been under house arrest since 26 May 2017 and suspended from his office of mayor.
06.11.2017      www.coe.int   
Expert Training Programme 'Smart Municipalism and Cyber Security' was Organized in Istanbul
Programme on "Smart Municipalism and Cyber Security" organized by Union of Turkic World Municipalities (TDBB), Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), Fatih Municipality, Ümraniye Municipality, Pendik Municipality and Zeytinburnu Municipality, where 13 experts from 7 different countries participated, was held in Istanbul on 15-21 October. 2017. Programme successfully finished after numerous presentations and fieldwork were conducted.
CDM - NALAS EU fund raising, Validation Workshop, Ohrid, Macedonia, 20-21. 06. '17
The project "Capacity Building Measures of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe, NALAS", enables utilization, i.e. mobilization of EU funds. Target group are the employees of the associations of local self-governments and the NALAS secretariat who are engaged for funds applications for implementation of projects.
Report: Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in South-East Europe 2015
This Report has been prepared by the members of the Task Force on Solid Waste and Water Management (TF SWWM) of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS). It is the second issue and presents the progress in solid waste management of the countries in South East Europe (SEE) for 2015, comparing it to the baseline year of 2014.
17.06.2017      www.nalas.eu   
Guide to Raising Awareness at Municipal Level
Renovating and refurbishing the building stock in Europe is an enormous task that cannot be shouldered by public investment only.
17.06.2017      www.nalas.eu   
Report: How to Improve Investment Climate at Local Level
This report is developed within the Project EmBuild - Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stock. It presents possible measures for improving the investment climate at local level.
17.06.2017      www.nalas.eu   
New edition of the Fiscal Decentralisation Indicators Report (2006-2015)
This is the sixth edition of the Report, as an ongoing effort to provide policy–makers and analysts with reliable comparative data on municipal finances and intergovernmental fiscal relations in South–East Europe.The report consists of four sections. The first reviews the
17.06.2017      www.nalas.eu   
Sustainable water management on the agenda of SEE Mayors
The XII General Assembly of NALAS this year takes place within the annual Danube Water Conference (17-19 May 2017, Vienna, Austria), bringing together SEE Mayors to discuss topics related to sustainable water management and provision of quality services to their citizens and addressing the challenges of financing water services for development. The conference is organised by NALAS’ partners: IAWD, GIZ and the World Bank.
Vienna, 16 May 2017 – The XII General Assembly of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS) this year takes place within the annual Danube Water Conference (17-19 May 2017, Vienna, Austria), bringing together SEE Mayors to discuss topics related to sustainable water management and provision of quality services to their citizens.
19.05.2017      www.nalas.eu   
Migrants, native from 23 communities contributed 2 mln. lei to local development
March 15 2017 –Migrants, originating from 23localities Moldova contributed 2mln leifor development projects in their native localities. The last three months were marked by the„For home with love”campaign organized by partner localities of the Migration and Local Development Project (MiDL).
NALAS Report on SWM Benchmarking in SEE 2015
NALAS Report on SWM Benchmarking in SEE...
Local Democracy Agency Moldova Delegate - Cimislia
Local Democracy Agency Moldova Delegate - Cimislia FILE:CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT
07.01.2017      www.alda-europe.eu