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Post-monitoring in the Republic of Moldova: the rapporteurs have faith in the political resolve of the Moldovan authorities
Strasbourg, 3rd July 2015 – In the context of the post-monitoring dialogue that was launched in Chisinau on 2 July in 2015 , the rapporteurs of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in the Republic of Moldova, Philippe Receveur (Switzerland, EPP/CCE), Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the Congress, and Francis Lec (France, SOC), member of the Monitoring Committee, had a wide-ranging exchange of views with the representatives of various Moldovan ministries, in which the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova (CALM) and Dorin Chirtoaca, Mayor of Chisinau, and representative of the Moldovan delegation to the Congress, took part.
07.07.2015      wcd.coe.int