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The NALAS 2020 e-Academy calendar of courses is here!
The NALAS 2020 e-Academy calendar of courses is here! If you are a Mayor, member of municipal council, local government manager or employee, you have a great opportunity to develop your skills by using innovative ways of learning.
25.02.2020      www.nalas.eu   
Kudos for the NALAS Knowledge Management Team!
The annual NALAS Knowledge Management Meeting took place from 13 to 15 February 2019, in Belgrade, Serbia, bringing together NALAS Knowledge Management Assistants from NALAS member Local Government Associations (LGAs).
15.02.2019      nalas.eu   
NALAS Report on SWM Benchmarking in SEE 2015
NALAS Report on SWM Benchmarking in SEE...
NALAS Digest 25 February 2016
Dear reader, How to construct a law on local finance that will ensure adequate resources for competent and efficient local government for the benefit of the citizens of Albania is the topic of the regional workshop "Best practices in Local Government Finance
27.02.2016      www.nalas.eu   
NALAS Digest 4 February 2016
Dear reader, The series of five specific ToTs that are being implemented within the NALAS project "Local Leaders in Southeast Europe: Lead for Change" (LL SEE) continued with implementation of the fourth specific Training of Trainers (ToT) on“Implementation of infrastructure investment projects” that took place from 18 to 22 January 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. Nineteen future trainers from the LL SEE project countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia were trained to deliver trainings that include: project implementation phases, project design phase and documents, legal
11.02.2016      nalas.eu   
At the beginning of January 2015 Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) and its Slovak partners, Pontis Foundation and Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia (ZMOS) started the implementation of the common project Independent Local Government. The project is financed by the SlovakAid – Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic.
Meeting with the Ambassador of Hungary
On February 12, 2013 in CALM’s office took place the meeting between the Ambassador of Hungary in Republic of Moldova, H.E. Dr. Varga György and CALM leadership. The objective of the meeting was to get acquainted and to establish constructive long term relationships. During the meeting was discussed the actual situation in local public administration both in Republic of Moldova and Hungary, as well were found common grounds that can be useful for future collaboration. CALM found out about similar Associations in Hungary and possibility for establishing contacts with them. Also mayors that were present at the meeting expressed their great interest for twinning opportunities with municipalities from Hungary. In this respect CALM will collect a database on interested municipalities. A separate subject was facilitation of Schengen visa issuance procedures for CALM members by the consulate of Hungary that hosts the Common Application Centre for 16 countries most of them members of Schengen Zone.
Local Public Finance Law Amended by CALM
On February 12, 2013 CALM representatives had a productive and fruitful meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Finance over the amendment of the Law on Local Public Finance. The major subject was introduction in Republic of Moldova of the Personal Income Tax (PIT) collected and shared at the place of residence instead of actual PIT collected at the employer’s registration address. At the same time CALM is working closely for amending the Law on Local Public Finance with the Parliament Committee on Public Administration and Regional Development. Besides PIT lots of amendments are envisaged the main the main accent being on changes in the transfers system from Central level directly to LPA of level 1 instead of transfers Center - Level 2 (districts) – Level 1 (municipalities) and considerable financial resources were not reaching their final destination. For years we talk about these changes and the political will was not there. Now the situation changed both in Government’s mind and will so CALM is acting urgently and decisively in order not to lose the momentum.
Visit of the representatives of Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
During February 7-8, 2013 the representatives of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities visited CALM within the project „Capacity building for local democracy in Moldova” implemented by Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) together with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway aiming at capacities consolidation with local authorities in view of the Moldovan Government Decentralization reform.The objective of the visit was to review and acknowledge CALM’s consolidation activities and the dialog with the Central Government. The Agenda of the study visit comprised meetings with CALM leadership and members, with Parliament and Government representatives and several visits to Moldovan municipalities.Within the framework of the visit the major event was the meeting of CALM and KS representatives with IMF representative in Moldova Mr. Tokhir Mirzoev. The Meeting was organized on suggestion of the President of Parliament – Mr. Marian Lupu. The main target of the meeting being establishing relations with IMF and discussing IMF position/mandate in decentralization, local autonomy and remuneration in LPA, IMF monitoring of fiscal and financial indicators in Moldova on revenue and on expenditures side. At the end it was agreed on a permanent and continuous dialogue including with future IMF missions in Moldova.
The Prime Minister responds to February 1st Protest
On February 6, 2013 the Prime Minister of Republic of Moldova met with CALM board members and leadership. The meeting took place as a respond of Government to the Protest of over 500 Mayors from Republic of Moldova on February 1, 2013.CALM representatives were informed about concrete measures that are being taken by the Government towards improving the situation in local government among which is the increase of mayors wages with 48%, abolishment of a series of regulations that are outdated and contrary to the principles Local Autonomy and actions towards amendment of the Law on Local Public Finances. Also at the meeting were discussed other important and urgent LPA issues, CALM representatives pointing out that lots of measures still should be taken and this is just a beginning of a constructive dialog that should continue with monthly meetings and common actions.